Disc Data stores information about CD/DVD discs stored in a disc retrieval system. The makers
of one of the popular lines of storage units provides a catalog option online, but the Disc Data
program allows you to keep your valuable disc information on your own PC, and provides some
options not available with the online version, such as a memo field for each disc. Use this
for any license key, serial number, and/or installation notes needed with the disc.
The program supports storage units of any size (maximum capacity is entered when adding a new unit to the database). The program currently only prints labels for the 50-disc and 80-disc 'Disk Manager' storage units. Support for index sheets of other units may be added later, as time and interest allows. I have label templates for several other units, but have not yet set them up for printing.
The main window has two tabs. The 'Unit' tab is the default view, used to display the contents of one storage unit, allowing discs to be added, deleted, or a current entry to be edited. The storage unit being displayed may be changed at the bottom of the window.
You may also search for discs. The search is done over the entire database, so all storage units are searched.
             When adding another disc to the storage unit, the next empty slot is chosen. Support is provided for a memo field, allowing storage of any license or installation information. The 'Detail', 'Category', and 'Sub-Category' entries have drop-down lists. You may enter whatever you like in the box, and after the disc is stored, that entry will be added to the drop-down list.
             You may print a listing of the discs in a storage unit, or the results of a search. An index label for the unit may also be printed. The storage unit contents may be exported to a 'tab-delimited' text file, ready to use in a spreadsheet program.
Program written and compiled using Borland Delphi Studio 2006.
The setup program will install the main Disc Data file, the Help file, and 3 files used for report printing. It will create
a subdirectory 'Data' in which it will place the database files.
Revision History:
Last updated: 7 Jul 2017
Web Author: John Locke
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